It’s Wonderful to Be Here

The Reykjavik Grapevine will always have a special place in my heart. I moved to Reykjavík with plans…

Iceland in the Spotlight

Icelanders are basking in the joy of Will Ferrell’s new comedy ‘Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire…

Madam President

Arriving at Vigdís Finnbogadóttir’s house just before noon on Friday, I find a note on the door: “Anna,…

The Exception That Proves The Rule

Earlier this year, artist Ragnar Kjartansson and composer Kjartan Sveinsson put on a particularly subversive production at Berlin’s…

That Time The United States Was Thinking Of Buying Iceland

So reads “A Report on the Resources of Iceland and Greenland,” addressed to U.S. Secretary of State William…

Editorial: Guys, You’ve Got Us All Wrong!

Earlier this month, Dunkin’ Donuts opened shop on our main drag, and if you haven’t noticed, it’s kind…


Browsing the news this past October, a headline on local newspaper Morgunblaðið’s website caught my eye: “Icelandic Girl…

Editorial: Poop Ahoy!

Dear Grapevine readers and contributors who haven’t already heard, After nearly six years at this magazine, I’ve decided…

Which Way The Wind Blows

“This is what we call a ‘washing board,’” our guide Kormákur Hermannsson says, his voice barely intelligible as…

The Incumbent

Incumbent President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson is Iceland’s fifth elected president. If re-elected on June 30, he will become…

Reykjavík Energy In Deep Water

Overrun by Viking ambition, Reykjavík Energy built headquarters fit for Darth Vader, expanded ambitiously, dabbled in tiger prawn…

Rehab Nation

In the United States, drug and alcohol rehab is closely tied to celebrity culture. It’s thought to be…

A Deconstruction Of “Iceland’s On-going Revolution”

Last night, ‘Shock Doctrine’ author Naomi Klein tweeted: “#Iceland is proving that it is possible to resist the…

Oh No! It’s Happening Again!

Farmer Erlendur Björnsson and his wife Þórunn Júlíusdóttir were in Reykjavík celebrating their son’s high school graduation when…

Eurovision Turns Icelanders Into Monsters

Eyþór Ingi Gunnlaugsson is off to Malmö to represent Iceland in the annual Eurovision Song Contest. He will…

Editorial: Whoops-a-daisy, I Fell Down!

You’ve probably noticed it too. Icelanders who go downtown after midnight on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday night…

Editorial: Iceland’s Search And Rescue Team Is Coming For Your DNA

I was flipping through Fréttablaðið on Wednesday morning when a particular article plus two full-page ads caught my…

What Brings Face Hunter To Town?

Yvan Rodic hasn’t been in the same place for more than two weeks in the last five years….

Your Band Is Called What Now?

There are 220 bands playing Iceland Airwaves this year. That’s a lot of bands to keep track of….

Editorial: How’s This For A Media Circus?

It has been one seriously eventful week for Icelandic media. In case you haven’t heard, I’m going to…

Réttir: No Sheep Left Behind!

Come end of September, the days grow noticeably shorter, the grass turns yellow, and it’s time to bring…

Into the Abyss

“It’s a good thing you’re going underground,” our bus driver calls out as his windshield wipers work furiously…

East Greenland Frozen In Time

A rocky mass jutting out of an ocean full of icebergs revealed itself below the clouds as our…

Lighting A Fire Under The Orchestra

After an exhilarating performance of Giacinto Scelsi’s ‘Hymnos,’ the conductor turns to the audience and tells us that…

Do Icelanders Need More Ayn Rand In Their Lives?

As Iceland struggles to emerge from an economic depression brought on in part by lax government regulation, Professor…

Customs Is Cracking Down

Bring up the Directorate of Customs in Iceland and you’re liable to unleash a host of emotions ranging…

The Scandinavian Club

There’s really no question that Denmark, Norway, and Sweden are Scandinavian countries. But when it comes to Iceland,…

Editorial: A True Icelandic Christmas Story

As I thought about what to write in this space, the typical things came to mind—reflections on 2012,…

Doing Time In Iceland

Given that the comedian Doug Stanhope has a gig at Iceland’s maximum-security prison (read this interview with him)…

E-Democracy Takes Off In Reykjavík

In the midst of heated protests following Iceland’s economic collapse in October 2008, two Icelandic programmers started dreaming…